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Impact Investor Readiness program

A tailored support program for impactful agri-food businesses in Albania

About the program

The “Impact Investor Readiness Program” (I2RP) is an initiative of Enterimpact and YSB Balkans. Both organisations have been active in Albania and Western Balkans for several years. Through these organisations, I2RP has access to a network of impact investors interested to invest in Albanian agri-food businesses and has knowledge and experience of the social and business environment.

Our goals

Our focus is on innovative and scalable agri-food businesses that support economic development and have a positive social impact. The goal is to improve capacities of selected entrepreneurs to raise funding from impact investors for growing agri-food businesses that provide employment and income for rural families, and that contribute to strengthening social structures and local communities.


What are we looking for?

We are looking for innovative and scalable agri-food businesses that are looking to raise private investment capital of €100,000 – €500,000 within the 3 next years, which fulfill the following criteria:

What do we offer?

The I2RP offers to selected entrepreneurs: (1) A 3-months tailored support program that helps selected entrepreneurs to improve their capacities and business case; and (2) Opportunity to meet and present the business case to impact investors, for businesses that successfully progress throughout the 3 months program.

1. A 3-months tailored (one-on-one) support program that helps selected entrepreneurs to improve their business case in the six following key elements which are usually used by impact investors to assess their investor readiness:

Business and strategic planning: The business strategy and planning process and documents should provide a clear picture of the current state of the business, its purpose, goals and objectives. It should also clearly articulate the initiatives the business is focused on executing in order to reach those objectives, clearly identify the need for additional resources, and how this will assist in reaching the strategic objectives.

Social and sustainable impact: The impact investors will usually want to understand the degree to which the business generates social and sustainable impact, especially as regards employment with focus on youth and women, increased incomes for small producers and/or sustainable farming that contributes to biodiversity.

Financial acumen: The degree to which the financial processes and reports demonstrate the performance, position and financial direction of the business are critical. The investor will want to understand the financial roadmap for the business.

Legal: Investors will often be focused on obtaining certainty and will seek this in many ways including through legal agreements and structures.

People: The financial security and the impact of the business often rests in the hands of key employees. Prospective investors will look to ensure that key employees are retained in the business and will continue to provide their support following the investment in order to ensure that strategic objectives are met.

2. Opportunity to meet and present the business case to impact investors, for businesses that successfully progress throughout the 3 months program. While investment amounts and instruments may vary according to the specific business case and impact investor, in general, this would include investment tickets sizes of €100,000 – €500,000 in 3 years; in the form of equity, loans or mezzanine; profit sharing elements; and expected exit within 10 years.

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